When the frame has the DE bit set that is only telling the Frame-Relay
switch that if we experience congestion in our network the frames that have
the DE bit set are the frames that will be discarded first.  If you are
seeing no FECNs or BECNs that sounds to me like you are probably working
with a frame-relay provider that doesn't over subscribe it's trunks as much
as many other providers do.  That sounds refreshing for a change!  I would
say you want to implement traffic shaping regardless of the amount of DE
packets you are seeing.  DE packets are a good thing.  That's one of the
nice things about frame-relay.

Also keep in mind red frames.  If the frame-relay network is configured for
policing, any frames that are coming in faster than they are suppose to will
be dropped at the switch.  That is why it is so important to implement
traffic shaping.

Hope this helps!


-----Original Message-----
From: Hire, Ejay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 3:22 PM
Subject: RE: Fame Relay FECN BECN [7:29675]

Congratulations, you're working with a commercial frame-relay provider.
 When I was a sprint customer, they marked all of my traffic as DE,
regardless of CIR.  Very annoying.  FECN'S, BECN'S, and DE are all features
that your provider may or may not have configured (properly) in their
network.  They are required to pass data, not meet with accepted industry

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 2:43 PM
Subject: Fame Relay FECN BECN [7:29675]

I thought I had FECN and BECN down in regards to frame relay setup. Recently
I have come across some router output that doesn't make sence to me.
I don't understand why I have DE pkts when I don't have and FECN or BECN
errors. Or for that matter how I can have so many DE pks and no of them were
dropped. I was thinking of implementing traffic shaping, but I don't know if
that will help if I am not receiving any BECN errors. On top of that I
understand that when your CIR is reached packets get marked DE but at what
point do they actually get dropped. Can someone try to make a little sence
out of this for me?
  input pkts 29103083      output pkts 23370364     in bytes 3538537810
  out bytes 941866396      dropped pkts 13          in FECN pkts 0
  in BECN pkts 0           out FECN pkts 0          out BECN pkts 0
  in DE pkts 1154469       out DE pkts 0
  out bcast pkts 1379364    out bcast bytes 110300947
  pvc create time 10w2d, last time pvc status changed 3w2d
Thank you,

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