On May 10,  7:53pm, "Leigh Anne Chisholm" wrote:
} (Note to all the guys on this list:  The ladies here are all petite, very
} physically fit, and are always dressed to kill!)
} (Note to all the ladies on this list:  We know the above isn't true, but
} since
} most on the list don't know what we look like, why not give their
} imaginations
} something to work with.  Hmm... I wonder what the "virtual" me looks like
} most of them.).

     There is a picture of Priscilla sitting in front of an iBook (aka
"toilet seat" -- I *just* had to throw that in there, the devil made me
do it :->), so it is easy to get a general idea of what she looks like.

     As for you, given your comments about being perfectly happy
swinging from the rafters in mountain climbing gear in order to install
cabling, I suspect that you are in fairly good shape which usually
translates into keeping fit, looking after yourself, not being
overweight etc., which usually means that you would be fairly good
looking (good thing my girlfriend doesn't read this list).  Beyond
that, I have no idea how tall you are, how much you weigh, what colour
your hair is, how long your hair is, what colour your eyes are, etc.
Given the above, I don't have any problem believing "petite, very
physically fit, and always dressed to kill".

} PS.  Oh a way off topic we will go!  A way off topic we will go!

     Yeah, but this one sure beats the flame wars.

}-- End of excerpt from "Leigh Anne Chisholm"

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