>On May 10,  7:53pm, "Leigh Anne Chisholm" wrote:
>} (Note to all the guys on this list:  The ladies here are all petite, very
>} physically fit, and are always dressed to kill!)
>} (Note to all the ladies on this list:  We know the above isn't true, but
>} since
>} most on the list don't know what we look like, why not give their
>} imaginations
>} something to work with.  Hmm... I wonder what the "virtual" me looks like
>} most of them.).
>      There is a picture of Priscilla sitting in front of an iBook (aka
>"toilet seat" -- I *just* had to throw that in there, the devil made me
>do it :->), so it is easy to get a general idea of what she looks like.
>      As for you, given your comments about being perfectly happy
>swinging from the rafters in mountain climbing gear in order to install
>cabling, I suspect that you are in fairly good shape which usually
>translates into keeping fit, looking after yourself, not being
>overweight etc., which usually means that you would be fairly good
>looking (good thing my girlfriend doesn't read this list).  Beyond
>that, I have no idea how tall you are, how much you weigh, what colour
>your hair is, how long your hair is, what colour your eyes are, etc.
>Given the above, I don't have any problem believing "petite, very
>physically fit, and always dressed to kill".
>} PS.  Oh a way off topic we will go!  A way off topic we will go!

As a different picture, whenever I've seen Priscilla in formal 
presentations where casual wasn't appropriate, her business attire is 
straight from "dress for success."

On a different note, I can think of times that I'm not sure my 
then-female manager dressed to kill, but certainly backstabbed a lot. 
Ninja outfits would have been a clue.

I will say that at Nortel, a general rule was that any female manager 
had significant clue, where it was fairly random among male managers. 
Nortel, however, had a very relaxed dress code.

>      Yeah, but this one sure beats the flame wars.
>}-- End of excerpt from "Leigh Anne Chisholm"

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