I've done it with about 100 interfaces on 7513's and didn't see this
problem.  It may be a limitation of the code on the box, memory (as you
indicated), or something else.  Have you been able to rule-out as many
"something elses" as possible?

What does the network topology look like?  Do you have redundancy in place -
e.g. spoke routers connected to two different hub routers?  Are you getting
a lot of SIAs?  Routes flapping, etc.?  How's the CPU on your RSP's looking?
Free memory?  Buffer misses?

There's a common view that EIGRP works fine and can scale infinitely big
without going through all of the steps that you'd have to go through for a
large-scale OSPF installation.
Obviously, this thought is very wrong.

I'm guessing that you need to do manual summarization on 200 interfaces per
box is because you don't have clearly-defined summarization points in the
network - that's the situation I was in when I had to do it on ~100
interfaces.  For good or ill, EIGRP will work with a bad network design (I'm
speaking from an ideal perspective - please don't be offended, we all have
to things at one time or another that are considered "bad") up until a
point.  Beyond that point, it gets really ugly - quickly.

In the network I was working on we had 140 sites connected without problems.
We started adding more offices and by the time we hit 170 the network was
totally unstable.  After several weeks of P1/CAP cases we met with the guys
who write the code and found out what we were doing wrong - they have since
published several CiscoPress books on EIGRP; none existed four years ago :)

You can "band-aid" a broken network by using a lot of the EIGRP features
(manual summarization, distribute-lists, etc.).  In my case that's exactly
what we did, unfortunately, I was not given the opportunity to correct the
mistakes that required the band-aids.  I have since moved on to new
challenges but that network is still in the same state - four years later.

Anyhow, if you can offer more specifics, I'm sure those of us on the list
would be happy to comment and offer suggestions.  I think that if we can
solve the reason you need to manually summarize on 200 interfaces you'll be
better off down the road.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 5:02 AM
Subject: Summarization [7:31766]

Hello folks,
I'm working in a EIGRP enviroment, and I have some questions for you:

Has anyone tried to do a manual route sumarization per interface with more
or less 200 interfaces in a 7500?
I've tried but I'm having a few problems, the summary routes aren't
advertised sufficiently fast to the routers in branch offices.
The summary routes are sometimes marked as "possibly down" in the routers of
branch offices, sometimes are up and sometimes are down.

Do you know any relationship between memory or cpu (or whatever) of the 7500
and number of interfaces in which you can perform manual summarization?


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