1/28/2002   8:55pm  Monday

The theory has been around for a while that men did not really go to the

The sad thing is the taxpayers sure got stuck with a huge bill for nothing !
(even if men did go to the moon the bill was still for nothing).
What became of all the overpriced equipment that was used to fake us in to
believing men went to the moon?
Dumped in the ocean ?

$500 million per space shuttle mission.
I wish they would just lye about that & bill us $250 million six times a
year.  That would save us 1.5 billion $ per year.

Keep working !!!  Your government is spending your $$$ much faster than you
earn it.



""Phil Barker""  wrote in message
> Sorry for this waste of b/w but I have two discening
> friends who keep insisting that man never went to the
> moon, instead it was a big stage act. The shadows are
> in the wrong place blah, blah, blah. Unfortunately
> they cannot expand on the shadow theory since they
> don't understand it themselves. They just Want to
> believe in an American etc conspiracy. Grrrr.
> My initial defence that Man has landed on the moon was
> based on the fact that Russia didn't make any
> complaints which I'm sure they would have done. This
> has been unfortunately dismissed by the same argument
> i.e propaganda, America etc would not allow the
> reporting of such info-.
> Okay, now I need Physics to help.
> My hunch is that the radio signal of the famous speech
> by Neil Armstrong would be sent on a certain frequency
> which could only be picked up by a receiver set to the
> same frequency, and it would be possible to calculate
> the distance from Neil to Earth. Not done physics for
> 20 years so I'm struggling here.
> OR could this be simulated in a LAB to make the
> distance of Neil to Stage appear to be the distance to
> the moon ?
> Any other possibilities more than welcome to shut
> these muppets up.
> Phil.
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