Doing some "catching up" on your email?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 9:00 PM
Subject: Re: Does session layer protocol use IP address ? [7:28378]

To answer your question.  No the session layer does not handle IP
addressing.  IP addressing is handled at layer 3 of the OSI model.  That is
why routers are known as a layer 3 device, because they route protocols at
this level such as IP or IPX ( Another Layer 3 transport protocol).  The
session layer is a few steps up on the OSI model, it is layer 5.  It handles
establishing communications maintaining communications alive and the like.

Hope I was of some help

Steven M Aiello

""[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Nemeth)""  wrote in
> On May 3,  4:27am, "anil" wrote:
> }
> } -Anil (PhD [Comp-Sci Tokyo Inst of Technology]- Sister School of MIT)
> } Does that count??
>      Since this thread seems to have concluded, I won't belabour the
> point.  However, comp-sci is a huge field with many specialities and in
> many cases, subspecialities.  You say that you have a PhD in comp-sci,
> but you didn't tell us what the topic of your thesis was or anything
> else about your background.  For all we know, you could have studied
> something human interface design or something else that has nothing to
> do with networking.  So, saying that you have a PhD in comp-sci really
> doesn't tell us anything.
>      As another example, somebody on one of the other mailing lists I'm
> on tried to claim that you can do full-duplex with a hub.  When people
> corrected him, he said that he was an Electronics Engineer and that he
> should know.  Electronics Engineering is a very large field, so unless
> he specifically studied physical networking hardware, he wouldn't
> know.  Anybody that knows anything about networking knows that a hub is
> a dumb multiport repeater (i.e. not much more then a signal amplifier)
> and therefore can't support full-duplex connections (for that, you need
> some smarts).  Needless to say, he got thoroughly trounced for his
> haughty attitude.
> }-- End of excerpt from "anil"

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