Ok all '
thanks for all the ideas..
All routers are 1601, all running the same ver of IOS.
I have tested all the Eth ports on routers in fashion by TFTP'ing on the
same laptop the same image with the same cable and all the routers do the
task within few seconds of each other.I attribute the slight diff here due
to very minor inconsistancies within the Eth interfaces and or the NIC on
the laptop.
All routers are directly connected via a Xover cable right into the PC.
The lab in question had some pretty tired ISA NICs. And that was the lab
that had the weird numbers..
In both classes this week, the exact same scenario produced pretty much
normal results with about a 7 second varience across the 6 routers. BUT  all
both sets of PC's had newer PCI 10 /100 nics..
Also I was talkng with a friend of mine who works on WAN managment software
project and the application does kinda realtime hardware and software
He was telling me that he has had nic cards that can take up to 3 seconds to
respond to his app whereas the normal response time is .2 of a second.
Ok I know .2 of a sec is a lifetime on a wan but that time includes the time
to pull the info from the PC and whack it thru this app and a DB etc..
But the interesting point is when the slow response machines had the NIC
swapped out it . the lethargy went away and the machines resonded in the
normal time frame for the app...

This bring's up a couple of points.
I. Slow NICS  did a driver re-install fic this >>
2. Taking the NIC out of the #1 PCI slot (which is usually a shared slot
Both question could not be answered as the fix is always to replace the NIC.
 However is there a freeware app out there that can test a NIC out for thru
AS over the years I have had servers which give me probs like this and I
want to eliminate the NIC, but swapping them out is not a viable test method
as then the server has to be taken down.
But if the NCI is slow then I don't mind doing the swap


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