In a few months you won't have to.  they are removing token ring from lab
exam as they already did with x.25, appletalk, LAT, etc..  I heard it
directly from William Parkhurst, the program manager for the CCIE program.
He also said that there will be some new certifications within the ccie
program for people who do wonderful things, such as one guy who has 4
different CCIE qualifications, first time passers, etc.  Also, there will be
a CCIE advisory board, where CCIE's can give inputto the future of the
program, etc..  Also the plaque is comming back.

I also asked him about the "lab-rat" situation and what he thought of it.
He said that he's not worried because there still is indirect
troubleshooting on the lab and being a CCIE dosen't mean you know everything
about networking, just that you are at a very high level.  if you can
accomplish the lab, then no matter how you got there, congratulations and
pat yourself on the back.

Finally, here is a passing stat for the CCIE as far as I can tell (from the
numbers I have received).

Approx 50,000 people have attempted lab, and approx. 9000 have passed.
That's an approx 17:1 ratio of people who take exam to people who ever pass
in their lifetime.  Pass rate is still secret.


RFC 1149 Compliant.

""Mckenzie Bill""  wrote in message
> O.k.
> Let me re phrase my question.  How important is it to know how to conevert
> the RD into hexidecimal? I have the RII and the RIF but then a couple of
> papers I read stated, and now the easy part...the RD, and then I'm lost.
> Any help?

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