how about switching?

""Matthew Meiers""  wrote in message
> I have heard that you can do everything on the lab with 5 2500's
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
> Edward Sohn
> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 11:10 AM
> Subject: minimal CCIE lab setup [7:39543]
> hey all
> i'm new to this list, but already seeing the benefits of being a part of
> it.  i look forward to these high-level discussions...
> after much research, i have weighed the possible options of how to go
> about preparing for my CCIE lab.  it appears that if i put together even
> a makeshift lab myself, i can save a lot of money and provide better
> preparation than if i go through a training company (if anyone has any
> other suggestions, please speak up).
> anyway, i was looking through cisco's recommended equipment list for the
> lab, and it shows only the series of routers/switches required; not the
> actual models (i.e. 2500, 2600, etc.).  b/c each router can perform the
> duties of many others, depending on the configuration, my questions are:
> (1) in general, what equipment constitutes a sufficient lab setting
> (CCIE's highly recommended to reply); and (2) what models of each series
> should i be looking at?
> hope it's clear!
> thanks in advance,
> ed
> [ removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a
> name of Notebook.jpg]

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