My employer has had us using the NetformX tool for a couple of years now.
( this is the software of which apparently Cisco is using a subset for Cisco
products only, according to what I saw on the web page )

So yes I use it daily in my work.

As with any complex piece of software, there are good things and bad things.
For most stuff, the configuration tool is OK. I have run into problems on
particular pieces of equipment where the validation engine gets caught in a
loop, not letting you install software, for example. This happens, but is
rare enough that it does not become too much of an issue. I have found
errors here and there with regards to pricing. Recently I discovered a bug
which was duplicating a particular NM blade on 26xx and 36xx routers, and
subsequent BOM's showed duplicate blades at two different prices.

One can export designs into Visio, or into an HTML format that is actually
pretty neat.

It lacks subinterface support, for ATM or frame, so some of the connectivity
validation tools don't work properly. Seems to be no vlan support, and
configuring etherchannel links remain a mystery to me.

As long as you understand that there are issues here and there, it can be
quite a useful tool. Never trust it's pricing.



"Who is this Hemingway person at all?"
"A guy that keeps saying the same thing over and over until you believe it
must be good."
"That must take a hell of a long time."

Raymond Chandler, from Farewell, My Lovely, 1940

""Richard Tufaro""  wrote in message
> Anyone ever use this?

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