To add to this comment, for giggles I went over one of these *cheet sheets*
that folks seem to so in love with.. 100 questions..  4 not usable due to
missing exibits and the caption *use your best judgement*... another 3 were
just plain wrong(verified by looking up in books instead of memory) and
several more were suspect...

Cheating doesnt pay..

So where does that leave us where the dark side is incorrect AND the good
guys put out such a shoddy product?

I used Transcender with ok results, Beachhead had errors on their CCNA..
might be corrected now, Boson was spotty in quality but my experience is
limited with their product and may not respresentive of their current
product. Exam Prep is now toast unless picked up by someone else.

I do like the material by CCxx Productions. 

I used the Cisco Academy semester 5-6 books and materials. That seems to be
pretty good but I did find many *small* errors in the labs.. things like
printing 172.xxxx when they meant 192.xxxx.  I did find a few missing
commands but in most cases they worked as they should.


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