Daniel- I may be clueless to some fancy configuration on PAT, but it is my
belief from my experience that you can't do what you're trying to do.

Your Limitations are:
1. The Cayman Router (It only Does PAT itself, and doesn't have the ability
to terminate VPNs- I can only PASS Thru the the IPSEC Traffic.)
2. The fact you only have 1 IP address for public use.

>From my understanding, with the release of PIX 6.1 code, you can configure
"Dynamic NAT" on the PIX so that if you only get one IP address Dynamically,
you can use the PIX Outside Interface (not the IP itself) as a nat point
between the Public IP and ONE Host on the inside network; this also applies
if you only get one Static IP from your ISP.  You can't use that one IP to
PAT port 80 to one inside network host and port 25 to a different inside
network host.  To make this work though, you have to replace the Cayman DSL
Router with a regular DSL Modem that you connect the DSL Modem's Ethernet
Port to the Outside Interface of the PIX- or plug the outside interface and
the ethernet interface of the DSL Modem to a "Secure" Hub/Switch, i.e.,
nothing else plugs into that hub/switch too.

If you want to support NATing to multiple hosts on the Inside Network, you
are going to have to get more Static IPs assigned to you by the ISP.

Now of course, I'f I'm way off base, somebody else will correct me, I'm sure

-----Original Message-----
Daniel Ma
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 3:35 PM
Subject: configure VPN on PIX which behind PAT router [7:41090]

I am configuring a PIX firewall behind a Cayman DSL router. The whole
network only has one public IP address which is on the DSL interface. I need
to configure the PIX firewall for the remote VPN clients.
My solution is to encapsulate all IPSEC traffic with TCP 10000, or UDP
10000, so the Cayman router could be configured Pinhole the port 10000 to
the PIX outside interface. But I could not find documents on how to
configure it.
It will be greatly appreciated if anyone could help me out, or probably you
have better solutions.



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