Well, yes and no.  Initially I was behind a Linksys firewall that's doing 
PAT.  Supposedly, there's a transparency setting in the Linksys that'll 
allow SNMP traffic through to the designated end device.  Since I made the 
correct settings in the Linksys and I was still having the problem, I 
removed the Linksys completely and went with a public IP on a single 
machine.  This didn't solve the problem either.  I suppose that there's the 
possibility that I'm being natted somewhere along the carrier path, but if 
so, I assume it would show on the trace as either a private address or a 
*.  All I see are publics.


At 01:04 PM 4/11/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>As far as I know, SNMP does not work over NAT or PAT. Could you be getting
>NATted or PATted somewhere along the way?
>CCIE 9015
>-----Original Message-----
>Craig Columbus
>Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 12:31 PM
>Subject: OT Again: SNMP and TimeWarner Cable [7:41196]
>Have any of you tried using SNMP to monitor routers / servers from inside
>the Time Warner Cable Network?  (Put aside the obvious security risks for
>the moment.)
>I'm on the Time Warner Cable Network at home and I need to temporarily
>install What's Up Gold at home to monitor a 3640.  For some reason, I can't
>connect.  I thought that maybe it was a config issue on the router (I
>didn't set it up), so I tried connecting to another router where I know
>SNMP is configured properly and was still unable to connect.  I thought
>maybe it was a What'sUp Gold issue, so I tried the connection with
>Solarwinds and was still unable to connect.  Thinking it was a problem with
>my Windows ME desktop, I repeated the same steps with a Windows XP machine
>and still couldn't connect.
>I then configured What'sUp on a 2000 machine machine in my NOC (a
>completely separate ISP) to connect to the 3640 and had no problem
>I contacted Time Warner Cable and they swear that they're not blocking any
>ports at all and that 161 and 162 should get through.  I contacted the ISP
>that serves the 3640 (in case they were blocking the cable network for some
>reason) and supposedly they're not blocking any ports either.
>Maybe I haven't had enough sleep lately, but if TW is telling the truth,
>I'm stumped.  Any ideas on this one?

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