I seem to remember having a bit of a mare with similar. If you have no luck,
is using one of the async ports an option?

This is a working config from a 2509 using first async port:

line 1
 autoselect ppp
 modem Dialin
 modem autoconfigure discovery
 transport input all
 stopbits 1
 speed 115200
 flowcontrol hardware


""Hunt Lee""  wrote in message
> I need some help for a Access Server setup.
> I am trying to setup a modem (netcomm 56.6k) to connect to a 2511.  The
> modem is currently connected to the AUX port.  However, no matter what I
> tried from my PC, everytime I make a connection, it comes up with a whole
> bunch of garbage.
> OK
> OK
> OK
> CARRIER 31200
> CONNECT 31200

> __sSM~ErX9D`?ro"x`?@!S,@@`# B
>        #o `@DZG?@"Z(S(?|p?
>                            cF42EmXUj"hYLh8[$ DD<>>06#"\(sqOKobt^U"Bt08
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> &E`jeDL?ez^P}}N\NAs-)
> ^al8b.ZTa!('P"Q-7sE-aOP> qGU!'!8"d/^erK?Oni`Stn!ma}8.e"j? zCg_$!hG"3gO?P
> g77 (FE. FpO]%?XB^P
>                                                         S.TS&eT8'
> 1gciz$F~?*@yV
>                                        -=T
> And here is the config for the 2511 -
> con1.hkg#sh run
> Building configuration...
> Current configuration:
> !
> ! Last configuration change at 16:58:36 AEST Wed Apr 10 2002
> ! NVRAM config last updated at 16:58:49 AEST Wed Apr 10 2002
> !
> version 11.2
> no service pad
> service timestamps debug datetime msec show-timezone
> service timestamps log datetime msec show-timezone
> service password-encryption
> no service udp-small-servers
> no service tcp-small-servers
> !
> hostname con1.hkg
> !
> aaa new-model
> aaa authentication login default enable
> aaa authentication login tacacs-login tacacs+ enable
> aaa authentication login NO_AUTHEN none
> aaa authorization exec tacacs+ if-authenticated
> aaa authorization commands 0 tacacs+ if-authenticated
> aaa authorization commands 1 tacacs+ if-authenticated
> aaa authorization commands 15 tacacs+ if-authenticated
> aaa accounting exec start-stop tacacs+
> aaa accounting commands 0 start-stop tacacs+
> aaa accounting commands 1 start-stop tacacs+
> aaa accounting commands 15 start-stop tacacs+
> enable secret 5 $1$oWH7$vULnq40DABAEnJCyCzTR4.
> !
> ip subnet-zero
> no ip domain-lookup
> ip host br1.hkg 2001
> ip host br2.hkg 2002
> ip host dist-sw1.hkg 2003
> ip host sw1.hkg 2004
> ip host sw2.hkg 2005
> ip host sw3.hkg 2006
> ip host sw4.hkg 2007
> ip host modem 2017
> ip name-server
> clock timezone AEST 10
> !
> interface Loopback0
>  ip address
>  no ip redirects
>  no ip unreachables
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  no ip proxy-arp
>  no ip route-cache
>  no ip mroute-cache
> !
> interface Ethernet0
>  ip address
>  no ip redirects
>  no ip unreachables
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  no ip proxy-arp
>  no ip route-cache
>  no ip mroute-cache
> !
> interface Serial0
>  no ip address
>  no ip redirects
>  no ip unreachables
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  no ip proxy-arp
>  no ip route-cache
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  shutdown
> !
> interface Serial1
>  no ip address
>  no ip redirects
>  no ip unreachables
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  no ip proxy-arp
>  no ip route-cache
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  shutdown
> !
> interface Async17
>  ip unnumbered Loopback0
>  no ip redirects
>  no ip unreachables
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  no ip proxy-arp
>  encapsulation ppp
>  no ip route-cache
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  peer default ip address pool NetOpspool
>  ppp authentication chap pap
> !
> ip local pool NetOpspool
> ip default-gateway
> ip classless
> ip route
> logging buffered 20000 debugging
> logging trap debugging
> logging
> access-list 11 deny   any
> access-list 12 permit
> access-list 12 deny   any
> access-list 99 permit
> access-list 99 permit x.x.x.x y.y.y.y
> access-list 99 deny   any
> tacacs-server host
> tacacs-server key xxxxxxxxxx
> snmp-server community roxwap37 RW 99
> snmp-server community tobyup91 RO 99
> snmp-server trap-authentication
> snmp-server system-shutdown
> snmp-server enable traps config
> banner motd ^C
> ********************
> ****  con1.hkg  ****
> ********************
> ^C
> !
> line con 0
>  exec-timeout 0 0
>  login authentication NO_AUTHEN
>  transport input none
> line 1 16
>  session-timeout 60
>  no exec
>  exec-timeout 0 0
>  transport input all
> line aux 0
>  password 7 030752180500
>  login authentication NO_AUTHEN
>  modem InOut
>  modem autoconfigure type default
>  transport input all
>  stopbits 1
>  rxspeed 38400
>  txspeed 38400
>  flowcontrol hardware
> line vty 0 4
>  access-class 99 in
>  password 7 0111071C5004125E70
>  login authentication tacacs-login
> !
> ntp clock-period 17179982
> ntp server
> end
> P.S:  However, I can reverse telnet into the modem with no problems.
> con1.hkg#telnet modem
> Trying modem (, 2017)... Open
> ********************
> ****  con1.hkg  ****
> ********************
> at
> OK
> at
> OK
> con1.hkg#sh line 17
>  Tty Typ     Tx/Rx     A Modem  Roty AccO AccI  Uses    Noise   Overruns
> * 17 AUX  38400/38400  - inout     -    -    -     5        0        0/0
> Line 17, Location: "", Type: ""
> Length: 24 lines, Width: 80 columns
> Baud rate (TX/RX) is 38400/38400, no parity, 1 stopbits, 8 databits
> Status: Ready, Connected, Active, No Exit Banner, Modem Detected
> Capabilities: Hardware Flowcontrol In, Hardware Flowcontrol Out
>   Modem Callout, Modem RI is CD, Modem Autoconfigure
> Modem state: Ready
> Modem hardware state: CTS* noDSR  DTR RTS, Modem Configured
> Special Chars: Escape  Hold  Stop  Start  Disconnect  Activation
>                 ^^x    none   -     -       none
> Timeouts:      Idle EXEC    Idle Session   Modem Answer  Session
>                00:10:00        never                        none     not
>                             Idle Session Disconnect Warning
>                               never
> Modem type is default.
> Session limit is not set.
> Time since activation: 00:02:52
> Editing is enabled.
> History is enabled, history size is 10.
> DNS resolution in show commands is enabled
> Full user help is disabled
> Allowed transports are pad v120 telnet rlogin.  Preferred is telnet.
> No output characters are padded
> No special data dispatching characters
> Any ideas will be greatly appreciated   :)
> Best Regards,
> Lee

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