I don't have a definitive answer, but there are facts that come into play
that you haven't revealed.  First of all, there is no definitive answer. 
What you are looking for is a "Yeah, it'll work fine" or a "You'll run into
serious problems".  That depends alot on what you're doing with the line and
the router.
- If you are handling 90% ftp and http traffic, the cpu delay won't matter. 
If you are running VoIP or VidoIP, that delay could put you over the
recommended limit and effect quality.
- If the utilization of the line is low, the extra queuing probably won't
matter.  If you are overloaded the bandwidth, queuing becomes critical.
- If the router is just routing packets, and hence has low cpu utilization,
the extra cycles won't be missed.  If it's running BGP, NAT, and auditing,
you'll probably hit a snag.

And you also didn't specify what kind of access list it was.  Extended
access lists use alot more processor cycles than standard lists.

All this being said, I find it hard to beleive that the list cannot be
adjusted to optimize it a bit.  I assume you have taken a look at the "show
ip access-list" command to see what rules are getting hit the most.  If you
need help optimizing it, post the output for that command here and we can

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