Interesting question you bring up!

For my exposure, it has only been setting up VPNs between company locations
that are taking advantage of Frame Relay or xDSL connections to the Internet
and then VPN-Connecting those regionally-separate offices.  In these
situations, they are using RFC 1918 addresses on their private networks, but
are having to use the Public addresses for end point to end point
termination of the VPNs.  Keep in mind though that these same scenarios have
been done with the customers only being given between 5 and 30 usable
addresses at each site for their Public blocks to NAT with.


-----Original Message-----
Kane, Christopher A.
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 2:47 PM
Subject: OT - VPN and use of public address space [7:42362]

For those of us that work for NSPs/ISPs or some other form of provider
functionality, what are the thoughts in regards to use of public address
space within VPNs?

I've seen several networks that are using public address space within their
VPNs, hence preventing the use of that space on the net. Several clients
have large netblocks routing in their VPNs rather than renumbering to RFC
1918 address space. To me, this seems like a horrible waste of address
space. I'd tend to think that it would be the provider's responsibility to
strongly encourage the clients to relinquish their public space if all
traffic is to remain in the VPN. Using NAT to allow Internet access as
required. Also, I thought I had heard (perhaps just a rumor) that ARIN or
some other similar authority watches for use of address space. In other
words, if someone's been assigned a /16 and no hosts of that /16 are
publicly visible, a 'nasty-gram' would arrive questioning the lack of use.

Sorry for the off-topic thread but since I've seen several people post
questions about building VPNs, I was hoping to see some discussion on the


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