
To my knowledge, Mail Relay is SMTP server forwording
the email which source don't belong to its client or
domain. For example, [EMAIL PROTECTED] want to send mail to
his friend. By default, [EMAIL PROTECTED] require to specify
its STMP server under abc.com domain ie SMTP server under
abc.com domain. If [EMAIL PROTECTED] specify its SMTP server as
xxx.def.com and xxx.def.com SMTP server allow this email
to forward its to global interenet, then xxx.def.com is
doing mail relay...

In conclusion, all the email client in the world can send 
mail to their friend as long as they specific their SMTP
server as xxx.def.com...which causing spamming...
Thus, to prevent mail relay, SMTP server should check the
source domain before forwarding the email out...

Do correct me if i am wrong.

-----Original Message-----
From: Viet Tran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 4:19 AM
Subject: RE: Mail Relay [7:45144]

Nobody knows ??
Can anyone tell me what is a mail relay for ??

In a typical mail flow, a source mail client sends
message to its mail server.  This mai server then
directs the message to its nearest mail relay, then to
next mail relay, then to the next-next ... until the
message reaches the mail server at the other end to be
delivered to the destination mail client.

I know it is not a Cisco issue, but for me it is
related to the fact that I am only studying cisco
stuff and therefore do not know anything about those
kind of Microsoft things.

Actually it's not Microsoft or whatever thing, but
should be called SMTP thing.  However, the majority of
mail relay boxes out there implement their relay job
running sendmail, an integrated GNU software found in
every Unix machine including Linux of course. 
Maintaining sendmail is challenging, but very
rewarding.  You can start by reading DNS & BIND and
Sendmail of O'Reilly, then jumping to Sendmail Theory
& Practice of someone I don't recall the name right

Hope it helps little bit.


Victor Tran.
Santa Clara County ISD.

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