
I was a technical author for a new CCNA book, and they had the Cat 1900 as
well.  I think it does cover the Cat 1900.


RFC 1149 Compliant.

""Phil Barker""  wrote in message
> Priscilla,
>      I'm fairly certain that you will need to know
> something about the Cat 1900 switch. I've been
> teaching CCNA as a CCAI for a couple of months now and
> we have a rack of equipment purchased from Cisco
> consisting of 5 x Cisco 2500's and 2 x 1900 switches.
> We have a Lab Topology setup that is used throughout
> Sem II & Sem III which utilises this equipment.
> This lab Setup is the very same that appears in the
> 'diagram' questions on the #640-607. A typical
> question would be 'Host A cannot see Host E' Why ?
> You then have to diagnose the diagram/network within
> 15 minutes using Cisco IOS or clicking on the PC to
> get its config or clicking on the switch etc. The 1900
> is menu driven but you can drop out to command line
> mode, which I would recommend.
> Not sure if you can use abbreviations. Probably
> wouldn't risk it bacause of possible typo bugs in the
> software. It may well have been lifted from the source
> code of the IOS and cross-compiled, but I'd stick to
> the full command just in case.
> Token Ring hasn't been covered in any detail. Just
> mention it in comparison to Ethernet i.e 802.5 v
> 802.3, deterministic v non-deterministic but don't go
> into any real detail.
> There still looking for the core knowledge being OSI
> model compared to TCP/IP (Yuk), subnetting, Access
> Control Lists and Hands on Config experience.
> Phil.
>  --- Priscilla Oppenheimer
> wrote: > I will be teaching a CCNA class next week.
> I've
> > never taught an intro class
> > before. ;-) The textbook will be Wendell Odom's
> > "Cisco CCNA Exam #640-607
> > Certification Guide." I didn't choose it, but I'm
> > fine with it. I have some
> > questions, however:
> >
> > Wendell covers Catalyst 1900 configuration in quite
> > a bit of detail.
> > Cisco's list of topics for 640-607 doesn't include
> > this, so I'm not
> > planning to teach it, and in fact, we won't have a
> > switch in the lab
> > probably. Will this be OK? Does anyone know if the
> > 640-607 test has
> > Catalyst 1900 configuration questions??
> >
> > Does anyone know if the test (which now includes
> > router simulation
> > questions) allows one to use abbreviations for
> > commands? (such as cop run
> > start instead of copy running-config
> > startup-config)?
> >
> > Token Ring doesn't support multicast???? (He says
> > this many times.) I know
> > IEEE 802.5 does "officially" support it. I also know
> > that many Token Ring
> > NICs didn't support it in the early 1990s. Didn't
> > they fix that??? I would
> > have thought that Token Ring NIC vendors would have
> > added support for
> > multicast by now.....
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Priscilla
> >
> > ________________________
> >
> > Priscilla Oppenheimer
> >
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