Since this question comes up all the time, I put together a document that
outlines the common wisdom for CCIE Written preparation. I listed several
useful books (not to mention my own).  You can grab the document for free
from (as well as several other sites that have posted the
same document).  I hope that you find it useful...


--- Dennis

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2002 10:05 PM
Subject: Written Exam

> Hi Dennis,
> Iam preparing to take the written exam very soon (before the new format is
> taken). I have posted this question to the group (Groupstudy) but I would
> realy like to have your advice.
> I have studied the following books:
> - Routing TCP/IP, Vol. 1, by Doyle
> - Cisco LAN Switching (CCIE Professional Developement Series) By
> Hamilton&Clark
> - Cisco Certification, Roures Bridges & Switches for CCIEs, by Caslow
> I was just wondering wether these books were enough for the written exam
> not. I have the Sybex CCIE study guide available as well (borrowed it from
> a friend). But personally I don't like Todd Lammle's books because he
> explains even simple topics too much and that makes me sick of it !!!
> Well I will be using Boson's #3 test as sample tests. Could you please
> give me your advice?
> Thanks,
> Hamid

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