At 12:02 PM +0000 7/10/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Gig to the desktop would be overkill.  You have to make a decision on were
>to place your bottleneck, and adjust interface speed accordingly.
>We have a very similar setup with Cat 6000, Cat 4000, and Cat 3000's.  We
>determined that 100MP to the desktop would suffice any current requirement.

 From the application standpoint, this is a sort-of "it depends."  Let 
me throw out some off-the-top-of-my-head examples.

A digitized mammogram series is about 250 MBytes, or 2 Gbits. It 
contains several views, so the physician doesn't need it all at once. 
If the workstation has a fast local disk, you should be able to 
retrieve the set in about 20 seconds on FE.  The image server may 
very well be the bottleneck.  Once you have the set, flipping from 
image to image is a workstation limitation.

But if you were going to do high-resolution imagery with motion 
(movie special effects, real-time cardiac MRI, etc.), you have to 
deliver frames fast enough to have smooth motion.  Now, the physician 
is not apt to decide he or she is going to study the imagery with no 
warning, so scheduling an upload isn't all that unreasonable.  If you 
did want RIGHT NOW full motion imagery, you very well might want GB 
or even faster to the workstation.  That's going to mean a pretty 
powerful workstation!

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kim Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 7:28 AM
>Subject: Re: Opinions on 4000 -vs- 6500 [7:48467]
>We currently have 4006's SupII in our closets and they have no trouble
>handling the traffic (240 ports).  If you want to go IOS you can move up to
>the SupIII engine on this unit.   They interface with our 6513's via gig
>uplinks and to date we have not had any issues with the 4006's or the gig
>Personally I like them, but others may have varying opinions.
>>  From: "Michael Williams"
>>  Date: 2002/07/10 Wed AM 12:41:15 EDT
>>  Subject: Opinions on 4000 -vs- 6500 [7:48467]
>>  We are going to setup some closets in hospitals for radiology to transfer
>>  large images across.  They want gig to the desktop....  If we have 20-30
>>  computers/printers connected with Cat5E gig to a 4000 will that be too
>>  much?  I'm thinking it won't overwhelm the backplane unless all devices
>>  cranking gig at once (which I've yet to hear of a PC or printer that can
>>  actually handle Gig .....)
>>  What would be the best recommendation for Sups?  Sup1, 2 or 3?  We don't
>>  need L3 at that level as each 4000 would uplink (via Gig) to a 6500 for
>>  L3.....
>>  We could do 6506 in the closet for the Cat5 gig modules are expensive and
>>  only have 16 ports per blade where the 4000 modules have 48 ports of
>>  10/100/1000 for the Cat5 and are cheaper....
>>  Thanks for any input....
>>  Mike W.

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