HUH!?!?! What does ICMP have to do with Telnet or the PDM??

Mindiani- To answer your question, yes there is an alleged way of doing
what you're wanting to do.  I have not done it myself yet, but there is
an example on CCO of how to do such a configuration.

Pad Pad Pad

For Telnet, as far as I know, there isn't a way to telnet to the PIX
from the outside- it's considered a security risk by the firewall group
at Cisco, so they don't allow for it.

If you want to telnet to the PIX, create a rule on the PIX that allows
your specific Internet Host to connect to a telnet device such as a
Switch or a Unix box (or even the Telnet Server on Win2K if I dare
suggest it), and then hit the PIX from that telnet host.  Be sure and
configure the PIX with the "telnet 'inside-host-ip'
inside" command.

Good luck, and let us know how you do!


-----Original Message-----
From: Dain Deutschman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: How to manage the pix 501 remotely via telnet or pdm

do you have the conduit configured to allow icmp? I think the PIX blocks
icmp unless you specifically open a conduit for it.
""mindiani mindiani""  wrote in message
> Hi  I just installed two PIX 501 with vpn tunnel over the internet for
> client and I would like to allow telnet and pdm from one site to the
> other. The tunnels are up and I able to send traffic in both
> but I cannot telnet into the remote Pix from my PC.I tried the
> command: telnet outside  This command
> not allow my PC (IP address172.16.1.2) to telnet to the remote site
but I
> am able to telnet to my servers behind the PIX. i have the same
> with PDM.
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