At 5:58 PM +0000 11/25/02, John Tafasi wrote:
>This a nice answer, but do you know any book that specifically deal with
>programming for network engineers?

Again, depends on your definition of network engineer, but John Moy's 
second book goes through the programming of a public domain OSPF 
implementation.  That's pretty network-ish.

There's a lot of material on the Internet, primarily aimed at service 
providers.  Check through,,, 
and the NANOG mailing list. For statistical analysis, 
is a good starting place.

Apropos of not much, I once wrote a complete analyzer for IBM NCP 
configurations. I used Pascal.

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Moffett, Ryan"
>To: "'John Tafasi'" ;
>Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 10:20 AM
>Subject: RE: Programming Language for Network Engingeers. [7:58032]
>>  Perl - Use it to do many things like parsing log files, parsing and even
>>  generating config files.   Too many uses to list.  Once you learn what
>>  is and what it can do, you WILL find uses for it.
>>  Expect - Use it to script things that otherwise would only be able to
>>  interactively with network devices, such as Telnet to a router, log on,
>>  the config to a tftp server.  Or, create an expect script to log on to a
>>  router, copy tftp image to flash and reload, then set this to run via a
>>  job for an unattended router upgrade (yes, that is risky but some people
>>  get away with it :-).
>>  If you run both on unix/linux, learn bash or whatever shell you plan on
>>  using because you will find many useful functions built into the shell.
>>  It isn't unrealistic to setup a generic unix/linux system with Perl,
>>  and a TFTP server to to manage all of your device configs, images and
>>  logfiles.
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: John Tafasi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>  Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 10:28 AM
>>  Subject: Programming Language for Network Engingeers. [7:58032]
>>  What programming languages a network engineer MIGHT need to perform his
>>  What do network engineers or adminiastrators do with a programming
>>  please elaborate
>>  I am looking to learn a couple of programming language that I may need on
>>  the job and I need you advice.
>>  Thanks

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