This is very closely related to another active thread but thought I should
probably start another.  I know better than to post on a Friday and expect
much of an answer, but I could really use some insight on this one...

I recently was looking at a network about to roll into production.  It's a
classic collapsed core design with redundant dist/core 6509s.  I noticed
that SRM was configured on each 6509.  I also noticed that there was an HSRP
instance per VLAN configured between the two chassis.  So, in the event of
an MSFC failure, assuming the failed MSFC was the active HSRP router for a
given VLAN or group of VLANs, I guess the other chassis' designated MSFC
would start picking up outbound traffic (normal HSRP stuff).  In the mean
time, the SRM process would be taking place on the chassis where the
designated MSFC had failed.  At what point, if at all, would the outbound
traffic shift back to the chassis with the failed MSFC (assuming of course
that the non-designated MSFC had successfully come online)?  Is it a simple
matter of whether or not preemt is configured?  Or, would the switch to the
other chassis ever even take place?  Could it be that the non-designated
MSFC would come online and immediately take over as the active HSRP router? 
That seems possible too.  Maybe it comes down to how you set all the
relevant timers?

I couldn't find any example on CCO where SRM and HSRP were used together. 
In every case, SRM was used or HSRP was used with config sync.  Never both

Any thoughts?  Any experience?  It isn't an option at the moment to do too
much experimenting.  Besides, I'm not sure exactly how I would simulate a
true MSFC failure to see what happens.  Any thoughts there would also be

Thanks all...


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