At 9:16 PM +0000 1/2/03, l0stbyte wrote:
>Ladrach, Daniel E. wrote:
>>  I have an MIS degree from The Ohio State University Max Fisher College of
>>  Business. I see some posts out there saying that a CS degree is no
>>  more than
>>  a vocational degree. Obviously this person has not been to college!
>>  College
>>  is not there to prepare you to step in and do a Sr. Engineer job, it is
>>  there to give you a base understanding of IT. I however, have a business
>>  degree with an IT focus. So, when you have been through the classes I
>>  you form a level of respect for anyone who has been down the same road.
>>  When the CCIE gets as challenging as the following let me know.
>>  Calculus
>>  Physics
>>  Finance
>>  Accounting
>>  Economics
>>  CS-programming
>>  CS-operating systems
>>  CS-networking
>>  Daniel Ladrach
>>  WorldCom
>All of the listed should be thought in high school. Unless it's some
>kind of quantum programming (is it still a concept?), CCIE should be by
>far more challenging. My two cents..

I hope the smiley means you aren't serious.  Let me pose some CS 
questions, which I swear are off the top of my head.  In all 
fairness, I'm not sure if some of these will be advanced 
undergraduate or graduate level, but we have been talking about CCIE 
vs. PhD... I have tried to select questions that bear on real 

    Compare and contrast NP-hard, NP-complete, and NP-incomplete algorithms
    Review the optimal search and update algorithms for trees and tries.
    Identify four major searching and sorting algorithms and describe their
      advantages and disadvantages
    Extract a square root using Newton-Raphson iteration, or select a
      method and explain why it is superior.
    Describe a strategy for change control in a programming team.  The
      library will include documentation, source, linkable elements, and
    What record locking mechanisms are needed to ensure integrity of a
      hierarchical linked list?
    What are the types of commitment protocols and the basic ACID properties
      of transactions?
    How can a buffer overflow be exploited to gain control?
    Build a Monte Carlo simulator for network traffic following Markov,
      exponential, fractal, and Erlang B and C pdf's for both interarrival
      and service time.
    Characterize the major conceptual differences among the FORTH, FORTRAN
      LISP, PROLOG, Pascal, C, Ada, C++ and SQL languages
    Give examples of data structures using isomorphism, homomorphism, and
    What is a context-free grammar?
    Differentiate between abstract syntax, operational semantics, and

CS-operating systems
    Describe the difference between a kernel and a microkernel and their
      relationships to operating systems.
    Discuss strategies for managing buffer allocation, fragmentation, and
      garbage collection.
    Compare and contrast polling versus interrupts in a real-time OS.
    Describe at least four major types of multiprocessing. You may include
      multistream single processors.
    How can you do a hitless software upgrade on a real-time OS?
    Differentiate between processes, tasks, and threads in POSIX.
    Describe the requirements for transparent failover among multiple
      processors, including the context switching issues.
    What are the differences between reentrancy and serial reusability?
    Compare backup strategies and management, including serial media,
      various types of RAID, and write-once optical storage.
    What is a deadly embrace?
    What is the difference between mandatory and discretionary access
    Is compartmentation orthogonal to sensitivity?
    What is the Bell-Lapadula theorem and where is it used?
    What is a covert channel and how do you protect against it?
    What is the difference between spawning and forking?
    How are named vs. unnamed pipes used, and what is their relationship
     to semaphores and sockets?

    Compare and contrast error management using ARQ, parallel transmission,
      and FEC
    What issues do CALEA and E911 have on multiservice router design?
    Discuss the evolution in Internet topology that has led to greater
      BGP instability?  Focus on topological changes.
    Differentiate between codecs and transcoders, and identify the
      impairments they introduce.
    What limitation does the Dijkstra algorithm impose on subsecond
      time?  What are potential fixes to the problem?
    Define unicity distance and its applicability to two coding schemes.
    What is QAM?  Trellis encoding?
    What is the role of a phase-locked loop in received signal timing?
      To what sorts of signals is it relevant?
    Why are there pulse density restrictions in DS-x and E-x signals?
    In what routing protocol did Floyd identify the problem of weak
      synchronization, and how is it corrected?
    What is the effect of the Byzantine Generals (also called Byzantine
      Corruption) problem on high availability, and what are workarounds?
    What is van Eck radiation and how does it affect security?
    Why are external routes given lesser preference in link state protocols,
      and what is their effect on the Dijkstra algorithm?
    What is a LFN (elephant) and what do you do about it?
    Why does OSPF use the lollipop algorithm for sequence numbers?
    What is Huffman compression and how does it improve JPEG transmission?
    Why is regenerative feedback a bad method of controlling systems?
    Describe the functions of the OSI session layer in recovery.
    What is the limitation of source-destination hash load balancing in
      traffic engineering?
    What probability function best describes Internet traffic?
    Why does TFTP use a fixed record size?
    What are the differences between XDR and ASN.1?
    What mathematical principle underlies frame control sequences?
    Describe the silly window syndrome.
    Why has the destination preference attribute of BGP not been deployed?
    Differentiate among system, layer, and station management.

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