it has nothing with the VPN tunnel but everything to do with DNS.  if you
specify the
IP address in the /etc/hosts file, that will speed it up very quickly.  I
have the same
setup like yours with the exception that I have "franken" pixes (Pix520) on
both ends
By the way, use version 6.2(2) on the pix firewall.  Version 6.2(1) is very
 Mike Sweeney  wrote:I just set up a back to back PIX firewall test. Using
IKE and IPsec with a
laptop on either end. One is a 520 (6.2) and the other is a 501 (6.2) and
Win2K and Win98 as clients. Everything works as it should but.. isnt there
always a but? the traceroute response time is something like 800mS. When I
telnet into the 2K box from the 98 client, it's pretty slow in the echo back
to the telnet session.

Ideas of what to check? I cant believe that is considered normal unless it's
directly related to the 501 being pokey and the 520 being an older PII300??


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