Well..well..well.. in a way I feel like idiot.. but in another it was a very
much a learning experience.

After checking over everything and recreating the 800mS to 2 second delays,
I found the problem.

When I first set up the lab, I spent some time working with the debugs for
ipsec, isakmp and icmp. I was bouncing between PIXs looking at the results
and working out the configs. Apparently, on the 520 PIX, I left a debug
process running or it hung there on it's own from one of the times the ssh
window timed out. I would have thought it would have died on its own
but..then again maybe not.

I had to reboot the 520 but that clear the problem and pings went to an
expected 2mS response time. I had not rebooted the 520 since I was trying to
replicate using a production PIX. I'm starting to think that when working
with VPNs and the like, a reboot is a useful thing to do. Yes? no?

Thanks again for the comments.. as it turns out I learned things from the
comments and my own struggles. Sometimes it's best this way :)


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