Hi Juntao,
Thanx for the input,
what about the existing Frame-relay networks u mean to say that they will be
migrating to point-point sub-interfaces(networks).
Might be more Input is required from experts here.Thanx once again.

Juntao wrote:
> from what i've seen in enterprises, the trend seems to be going
> towards P2P
> with sub interfaces and ip unnumbered when needed, as it
> implies some
> trouble shooting constraints.
> i'm sure u know the issues that imply when using P2M(spilt
> horizon must be
> disabled, if your using EIGRP the bandwith command must
> reflrect the lowest
> cir of the pvc's used.)
> i'm sure others will comment on this
> hope the above helps
> ""Simmi Singla""  a icrit dans le
> message de news:
> > Hi all,
> > Generally what are mostly used in customer scenarios point to
> point or
> > multipoint subinterfaces while confguring frame-relay.As U
> know all point
> > -to point sub interface consumes lot no.of addreses all
> different
> > subnets,although ip unnumbered is way to avoid this(ip
> unnumbered has the
> > limitation of managing wan links which isp dont like) but
> still what isps
> > prefer to suggest thier customers point to point or
> multipoint as of
> > now.what is the general trend followed.

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