Hi all,

I have two PIX 501's, one at head office one at remote end, linked together
using IPSec VPN.  The problem I have is that users at the remote site, have
timeout issues using MS Terminal Server client.

It is very random too.  Sometimes users can be connected for 5-6 hours
without getting disconnected from the terminal server, other times their
connection drops after only 20-30 minutes.

The TS server is located at the head office, and the LAN users at the HQ do
not have timeout issues, only the remote users do.

At first I thought the VPN idle-time value may have something to do with it
(originally set to "vpngroup VPN-TO-HQ idle-time 1200" seconds), so I
increased that to 86400 seconds, but that did not fix the problem.

I then tried to adjust the xlate timeout values.  I increased the timeout
xlate value to 3:00:00, that did not fix it either.

So here I am, at a loss as to what else I can try.

Oh, the PIX software versions are:

Headoffice: 6.2(2)
Remote: 6.1(4)

If anyone has similar experience, and you found some fix for it, please let
me know.


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