""garrett allen""  wrote in message
> i have a need for a high availability solution for a default gateway
> configuration.  just finished the ccdp and thought it might be
> interesting to try hsrp on a pair of 2514's.  put some of that theory
> to work.  instead of highly resiliant i've managed to configure it for
> mass failure.  arg.., not exactly what i had in mind.  now, any time i
> take down 1 of the 4 links, the connect between 2 remote hosts dies.
> this is in a lab (production is not a lab, production is not a lab...)
> so it is a mystery i would like to solve, but it is not critical.
> here is the basic config (hope it makes it):
> pc host 1  -----+----- e0 router 1, e1 ----+---------  pc host 2
>                 |                          |
>                 |----- e0 router 2, e1 ----|
> the routers act as a default gateway between the internal network
> (represented by pc host 1) and the external world (represented by pc
> host 2).  i have used 10.3 and 10.4 /16 as the addresses for each side
> of the divide.  i want to run hsrp on both sets of router interfaces so
> that in the event a router or an interface fails, the traffic impact is
> minimized.  in the real world pc host 2 will be a firewall and there
> will be other hosts off that segment as well
> looks easy.  sounds plausible.  read the cisco docs.  looks like it
> should work.  minimal incantations before tickling the keyboard.  key
> in the configs and it fires up nicely. do the show standby thingee and
> all looks cool.  can ping the 2 stations end to end.  most excellent.
> put a router in debug mode.  when i pull one of the 4 router cables the
> router goes through a state change but no bits make it to the far end.
> not even the shiney ones.  bitstream courtesy of ping.
> maybe i misunderstood what hsrp was suppose to do.  the configs are
> below, along with the show standby results.  both are 2514's (2 aui's)
> and both are running 12.2(1d).  probably forgot to put the interface in
> mumble mode or something equally easy.  no laughter, please.

HSRP assumes the ehternet interfaces to be on the same subnet. your ehternet
side is on two different subnets. hence - no failover.

to get this to work using 2514's:



the e0's on the same subnet, the e1's on the same subnet

> thanks in advance.
> router 1
> interface Ethernet0
>  ip address
>  no ip route-cache
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  standby 1 priority 200 preempt
>  standby 1 ip
> !
> interface Ethernet1
>  ip address
>  no ip route-cache
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  standby 2 priority 200 preempt
>  standby 2 ip
> router 2
> interface Ethernet0
>  ip address
>  no ip route-cache
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  standby 1 priority 225 preempt
>  standby 1 ip
> !
> interface Ethernet1
>  ip address
>  no ip route-cache
>  no ip mroute-cache
>  standby 2 priority 150 preempt
>  standby 2 ip
> results of show standby
> Router1#show standby
> Ethernet0 - Group 1
>   Local state is Standby, priority 200, may preempt
>   Hellotime 3 holdtime 10
>   Next hello sent in 00:00:00.940
>   Hot standby IP address is configured
>   Active router is expires in 00:00:09, priority 225
>   Standby router is local
>   20 state changes, last state change 00:22:34
> Ethernet1 - Group 2
>   Local state is Active, priority 200, may preempt
>   Hellotime 3 holdtime 10
>   Next hello sent in 00:00:01.676
>   Hot standby IP address is configured
>   Active router is local
>   Standby router is expires in 00:00:08
>   Standby virtual mac address is 0000.0c07.ac02
>   17 state changes, last state change 00:23:26
> Router1#
> Router2#show standby
> Ethernet0 - Group 1
>   Local state is Active, priority 225, may preempt
>   Hellotime 3 holdtime 10
>   Next hello sent in 00:00:01.010
>   Hot standby IP address is configured
>   Active router is local
>   Standby router is expires in 00:00:09
>   Standby virtual mac address is 0000.0c07.ac01
>   24 state changes, last state change 00:22:04
> Ethernet1 - Group 2
>   Local state is Standby, priority 150, may preempt
>   Hellotime 3 holdtime 10
>   Next hello sent in 00:00:01.272
>   Hot standby IP address is configured
>   Active router is expires in 00:00:09, priority 200
>   Standby router is local
>   32 state changes, last state change 00:22:25
> Router2#

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