
I am trying, somewhat in vain, to create a nice vertical typeset document in Japanese and English using XeTeX and xCJK. I am having the darnedest time trying to do this. I guess it adds complication that I want add Hiragana ruby elements. I am using Palatino Linotype for the English and Kozuka Gothic Pr6N M for the Japanese. I tried to adapt some of the methods in the provided CJK examples with some of those in the fontspec handbook, but I am failing miserably. For starters, the punctuation is all messed up. Also, ruby doesn't seem to work quite right. I've attached a sample that I have been working on before I actually write the real thing. BTW, shouldn't xCJK be updated to automatically use the +ruby feature of fonts if ruby is used and Style=VerticalKana when CJKvert is used?

\usepackage[CJK, overlap]{ruby}
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Palatino Linotype}
\setCJKmainfont{Kozuka Mincho Pr6N}
\setCJKfamilyfont{Japanese}{Kozuka Mincho Pr6N}



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Cjk maillist  -  Cjk@ffii.org

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