On Wednesday 13 July 2005 17:11, Tomasz Papszun wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 at 16:04:13 +0100, Andrew Walrond wrote:
> > I've just installed and been playing with 0.86.1. When freshclam updates
> > the database, it helpfully says:
> >
> >     "Clamd successfully notified about the update."
> >
> > in its log. However, clamd gives no indictation (in its log) that it is
> > aware of and has loaded the new database.
> If a few minutes after updating database you haven't in clamd.log lines
> like these:
> Wed Jul 13 01:02:11 2005 -> Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav/
> Wed Jul 13 01:02:13 2005 -> Database correctly reloaded (36431 viruses)

Indeed. But some indeterminate response some minutes later is not the same as 
an immediate "clamd: freshclam reports new database available" message which 
would be useful and comforting. This is my feature request :)

> > This makes me nervous... I would hate to
> > think that clamd will only start using the new definitions when I reboot
> > the machine (every 4 months or so).
> Of course not. 'man clamd.conf' and notice SelfCheck.

I was exagerating my fears in order to demonstrate ... Oh, never mind; the 
subtleties of english humour....   ;)

> > Would it possible to make clamd write a message to the log for future
> > versions?
> BTW, the first problem you wrote about, should rather be asked about on
> clamav-users ML, not clamav-devel.

Got out the wrong side this morning, did we? Happens to us all occasionally ;)
(This is a feature/enhancement request and bug report relevent to clamav 
developers, surely?)

> Good luck

With software of this quality, luck is thankfully not required :)

Andrew Walrond

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