Sorry guys,
The problem that I tough was sorted out is instead still there. Also
with the version 0.60. I noticed that there this afternoon after
freshclam updated virusdb at about 16:45 GMT with no problem at least
looking at freshclam logs:

        Checking for a new database - started at Fri Jun 27 16:45:01
        viruses.db is up to date.
        Database updated (containing in total 8736 signatures).
        Database updated from

At the following selfcheck of clamd the program misbehaved and I got a
coredump that maybe somebody want to debug (please send me a private msg
to get it). The clamd log again shows only 2 lines:

        Fri Jun 27 16:52:12 2003 -> SelfCheck: Database modification
detected. Forcing reload.
        Fri Jun 27 16:52:12 2003 -> Reading databases from

And after I have a core dump file (ls -l)

        -rw-------   1 root  wheel  11346388 Jun 27 16:52 clamd.core

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