> > > I'm experiencing the same trouble running a similar setup:
> > > Postfix, amavisd-new-20030314-p2 (running chrooted), spamassassin,

> I notice that it always seemed to be close to an update, but I update
12 times a day.  It bombs out at most once a day.

I meant that this problem arised noly after an update with freshclam
that actually resulted in a new version of the virus databases
downloaded. To fake a new version of the db I used the command touch as
recommend by Tomasz

> > > Basically after a successful update clamd checks itself and the db
> > > updates (by default every 3600 sec). Then it detect the change a
> > > in the log:
> > > 
> > >   SelfCheck: Database modification detected. Forcing reload.
> > >   Reading databases from /usr/local/share/clamav
> >  
> > The two thing may not be connected. Please set the SelfCheck option
> > some
> > small value and touch the database while clamd is running. Does
clamd die
> > ?

I performed the required test and I found out that the problem is not
there anymore. Basically I definitevely had this problem with the
snapshot release clamav-20030613. After a force reload I had these log

        SelfCheck: Database modification detected. Forcing reload.
        Reading databases from /usr/local/share/clamav

while with the currently installed 0.60 I have also 

        Database correctly reloaded (8736 viruses)

after the previous 2 lines.

The only modification I make to the ditributions are the patches
contained in the OpenBSD unofficial port. I don't use the port system
but just untar the file and apply the patch to the original
distribution. The patches contained in 33-clamav-20030613.tgz worked for
both 0.60 and clamav-20030613. Sorry about the lack of details on the
version of clamav installed and by the way how safe is to install a
snapshot version on a production site?

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