I am running 0.67-1 from RPM on redhat 9.

I used to run freshclam from cron but since the daemonized 0.67 freshclam
was released i have been using it that way to reduce load on freshclam
servers.  Anyway, this morning i noticed that freshclam wasnt running.
Checking my freshclam.log shows

ClamAV update process started at Sun Mar  7 17:31:59 2004
ERROR: Maximal time (1200 seconds) reached.

And that was it.  There hasnt been another entry since and freshclam quit
after it.  I supposed it is acceptable that due to network issues, freshclam
may be unable to update the database, but it definitely should not die
because of it.

Restarting freshclam (service freshclam start) works fine again but does
anyone know why it died to begin with?  I may just go back to the cron
version to prevent this in the future.


Jim Maul
Eastern Long Island Hospital

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