Miles Davis wrote:

On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 06:11:05PM -0800, Todd Lyons wrote:

On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 08:36, Claudio Alonso wrote:

Yesterday I installed clamav-0.70rc-1 from rpm on my RedHat 9.0 (kernel 2.4.20-30.9) and started
clamd just to test it's current stability
The computer was on all night and today I found the following in the rotated logs:
Thu Mar 25 04:02:33 2004 -> No stats for Database check - forcing reload
Thu Mar 25 04:02:35 2004 -> Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav
Thu Mar 25 04:02:36 2004 -> Segmentation fault :-( Bye..
I've been looking in the archives and found some segmentation problems with this version but I'm
not using milter and my logs don't refer to any "accept() failed" nor "pthread_create failed" (nor
in this log nor in the previous before rotate, which only shows "SIGHUP caught: re-opening log
file." before rotate.

You probably saw some of my issues.  I'm using RH 9.0 as well and have
problems with spamd SegFaulting.  I personally think it's pthread
related, but have zero data to back it up.  On my system, clamd handles
20K or 30K messages in about 12 hours and then dies.  I upgraded to 0.70
cvs on Tuesday.  clamd stopped segfaulting, but would lock up and
clamav-milter would then die.  I've had to disable it until I figure out
what to do to make it stable.

I'd love to figure out what's causing this.

Blue skies... Todd

My case is perhaps unrelated, but I thought I share it anyway.
I've been developing a virutual server system using UML. It wroked great with kernel 2.4, then I started
experimenting kernel 2.6 for UML.

First case : bind tools failed (host, named, nslookup, etc.)
IT was apparently pthread problem. It works fine without --enable pthread.

Next case, clamav. clamscan is OK, but clamd and clamav-milter keep segfault-ing.
I didn't find any pthread-related error on the logs, but AFAIK those are
the two clamav programs that uses pthread.

This time, however, instead of using --disable-pthreads, I decided to use static linux builds
from It works flawlessly.

Bottom line, as a work-around try disabling pthreads or use static build.



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