>As you can see the multilog file is there, with zero size. The service is
>running, but not doing a thing!
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] init.d]# service clamdctl stat
>/service/clamd: up (pid 1258) 265702 seconds
>/service/clamd/log: up (pid 1259) 265702 seconds
>in your case, your clamdctl script must be OK since clamd in running. And
>I'll assume multilog is installed and running. Have you rechecked ownership
>and permissions on the /var/log/clamav *directory* ?
>What happens when you do:
>svc -u /service/clamd/log  ??


Hey Micha,

Thanks for the reponse.  Here is some more output.  I do have multilog running fine.  
My qmail is supervised just fine and so are the log files.  Here are the permissions 
on my /var/log/clamd dir

[EMAIL PROTECTED] electro]# ls -l /var/log/ |grep clamd
drwxr-xr-x  2 qscand  qscand       512 Apr  6 14:02 clamd

and when I try your suggestion:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] clamd]# svc -u /service/clamd/log 
svc: warning: unable to control /service/clamd/log: supervise not running

I appreciate all the help, I just cant think of why this would not be working.  Thanks!

- Jeff

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