On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 12:21:06PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Alright, I grabbed the CVS, I rebuilt sendmail via source rpm for the
> milter support (DOH not built in the exectuable rpm from RH) and I
> have everything running with all processes running and the sendmail
> milter lines in the mc.
> So far so good and even a surprise when I scan my maillog and see
> clamav-milter[2747]: clamd / ClamAV version devel-20040414,
> clamav-milter version 0.70i
> WOOHOO, or so I thought because when I do cat ./test/test1 | mail root
> -s "Testing" I get the one line and nothing has been flagged and
> nothing in the header has changed.
> Any ideas?

Yes.  It's not being properly mime encoded.  try attaching ./test/test1
to an email from within your MUA (mutt, whatever), and sending that.
Also, the milter has to be set up to scan local mail.

|  Stephen Gran                  | Custer committed Siouxicide.            |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |                                         |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |

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