On 23.06.2004, at 01:59, Philipp Ringli wrote:

On 22.06.2004, at 18:51, Dan Egli wrote:

Philipp Ringli wrote:

On 22.06.2004, at 03:59, Dan Egli wrote:
Philipp Ringli wrote:

That one. And xdm.rpmnew has nothing to do with clam. You're seeing two different messages in the logwatch. logrotate ignores files ending in .rpm[new|old]. That is one error. The other, indicating frashclam existed with a return code of 1 is completely unrelated. I'd run /etc/cron.daily/freshclam manually to see what's up.

-- -- Dan

okay... :) [EMAIL PROTECTED] cron.daily]# ./freshclam [EMAIL PROTECTED] cron.daily]# seems to run smoothly, no complaints... cheers, phil

try this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cron.daily]# ./freshclam
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cron.daily]# echo $?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cron.daily]#

if the line after echo is not a 0 then you had a problem.

-- Dan
got this email now:
Subject:     Cron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.daily
From:       root
Date:     22. Juni 2004 04:08:31 GMT+02:00
To:       pr_at_drahtlos_d_ch
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/freshclam exited with return code 1
and i got this from your test:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cron.daily]# ./freshclam
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cron.daily]# echo $?

So there is a real issue here. I don't have ClamAv in front of me, but is there a verbose paramater that freshclam can run with?

Try without the ./ (so it has to search the path and find the freshclam binary).

Wait, try this. edit /etc/cron.daily/freshclam, and put a
set -x

right after the bang path, THEN run it. That will tell you the execution sequenece (similiar to Echo on in Win/Dos).

-- -- Dan


what's a bang path?

this is the /etc/cron.daily/freshclam:

# A simple update script for the clamav virus database. This could as well
# be replaced by a SysV script.

# fix log file if needed
if [ ! -f ${LOG_FILE} ]; then
    touch $LOG_FILE
    chmod 644 $LOG_FILE
    chown clamav.clamav $LOG_FILE

/usr/bin/freshclam \
--quiet \
--datadir=/var/lib/clamav \
# --log-verbose
# move this backslash to the end of the above line, if activating the line below! \
# --daemon-notify=/etc/clamav.conf

where do i have to add set -x ?


and as an additional note:
i can run freshlam no problem:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /]# freshclam
ClamAV update process started at Wed Jun 23 09:53:58 2004
Reading CVD header (main.cvd): OK
main.cvd is up to date (version: 23, sigs: 21096, f-level: 2, builder: ddm)
Reading CVD header (daily.cvd): OK
daily.cvd is up to date (version: 366, sigs: 955, f-level: 2, builder: trog)


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