On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 03:17:08PM +0200, Steffen Heil said:
> Hi
> > There are a significant amount of other methods that will generally detect
> an infected email. Approximately 3.8% of infected emails ever reach the
> stage where the virus scanners I use get called into action, and Clam hasn't
> missed one of those yet. Check for other email exploits before checking for
> virii.
> So tell use, our preacher, how you do that?
> For example, I DO have dnsblacklists, helo string checking, mime checks,
> clsid extension checks, empty and to large boundary checks, verify sender
> domain and soon some callout-checks in front of clamav.
> However, some mail should get delivered and those should be checked, right?

I also use greylisting on top of all of the methods you have above, and
clam now catches single digits of viruses/week (granted, this mx only
handles about 800-1000 emails/day, but scale appropriately).  The only
viruses hitting my MX are coming in from forwarding services.  All
direct to MX viruses have stopped.
|  Stephen Gran                  | Tallulah Bankhead barged down the Nile  |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | last night as Cleopatra and sank.   --  |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | John Mason Brown, drama critic          |

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