On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 04:51:08PM -0400, Christopher X. Candreva wrote:
> Just to update my own post:  I've since found that clamd is shooting to 99% 
> cpu quite often. I've identified a few files that cause this.
> For example, I've identified one particular 440k .exe file (aparently an 
> SNES emulator) that takes almost 2 minutes to scan, pegging CPU usage at 
> that time.  As a comparison, the latest 12meg mozilla installer .exe scans 
> in about 6 seconds.
> Production systems are Solaris 8 on sparc, but I've also confirmed on my 
> linux desktop.
> Am I the only one seeing this ?

I have a 6Mb e-mail file which takes 9-11 minutes to be
scanned with clamscan 0.80rc3 and latest cvs snapshots.

Tested in Solaris 7 on Sparc.

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