> Hi, I have installed version 0.80 on fedora core 2 and I have used file .rpm.
> The installation it's ok and at boot of my machine to start demon 'clamd' and 'freshclam' correctly.
> Now for schedule update, default is:
> /etc/cron.daily/freshclam
> .. therefore the update is to do every day, but if I want to schedule update every hour (and no every day) I must move the file freshcleam from directory /etc/cron.daily/ to /etc/cron.hourly ??
> ..sorry for my banal question.
First, don't start a new thread by replying to an existing one and changing the subject. You break threading and your email will likely be ignored by anyone not reading that thread. Just start a new message.
Second, that would do what you want, but don't do it. You will hit the clamav server at the top of the hour along with a lot of other people who don't read the docs. It causes the bandwith utilization on the mirrors to spike at the top of the hour. It may be better if you have setup freshclam to use the new DNS method, but you still shouldn't do it.
You should either run freshclam from your /etc/crontab and set it to run at an oddball times (e.g. 37mins past the hour) or run it as a daemon. There was a thread a while back about generating a random number in the crontab so that it does not run at the same time every hour. You may want to try that.
For further info:
man freshclam read archives of this list read docs on website man -a crontab
-- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com
"Every season hath its pleasure; Spring may boast her flowery prime, Yet the vineyard's ruby treasuries Brighten Autumn's sob'rer time. - Thomas Moore"