Scott Ryan wanted us to know:

>> How many threads do you have set in clamd.conf?
>Ah. This could very well be the issue. I have threads set to 200, but it could 
>be possible that I have more concurrent local and remote smtp connections.
>I will try to increase the number o threads to see if this helps any.

I have two pretty busy servers and my threads are set at 40.  Unless
you're pushing more than 100K emails a day, I don't see the threads
being the problem.  I'd suggest lowering the thread count first to see
if that makes a difference, either better or worse.  That number "200"
always makes me think "max open file" limits.
Regards...              Todd
OS X: We've been fighting the "It's a mac" syndrome with upper management
for  years  now.  Lately  we've  taken  to  just  referring  to  new  mac 
installations  as  "Unix"  installations  when  presenting proposals  and 
updates.  For some reason, they have no problem with that.          -- /.
Linux kernel   4 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.15, 0.16

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