On Mon, 2004-11-15 at 16:21, Bart Silverstrim wrote:

> It is not a hard nosed approach to protocols or what is or isn't a 
> virus, it's (to me) the possibility that taking on spam with signatures 
> is losing focus of the objective to Clam.  When projects lose focus, 
> the quality degrades, and there's greater chance of bugs being 
> introduced.

None of the Clam development team have even mentioned adding general
spam filtering to ClamAV.

> I think (julian's?) original problem was that he didn't see why a virus 
> scanner should shoulder the responsibility for every message that goes 
> out saying "Hey, click here for k3wl new deals on Mort Gage rat3s!  
> Yoove been approved!", when it's not a virus, it's something that is 
> enticing people who should know better to click on it for free crap and 
> more spam.

Clam doesn't attempt to do what you describe, not has any of the
development team suggested it will or should.

> Oh,..and ClamAV and the Clam team have done a wonderful job so far with 
> the antivirus thing.  Please keep up the good work on that.  But I'd 
> still beg people favoring the idea of the spam fighting integration to 
> instead volunteer to help the teams behind Spamassassin or other OSS 
> spam filtering software efforts...

Except no one is favouring the idea.


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