On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 13:00, Gareth Blades wrote:
> I am running Suse Openexchange -> Amavis (clamd) -> Postfix.
> Mine lets through 24, 25, 27.
> Number 8 was blocked by file type but not detected by a virus.
> For 24 & 25 as they are not a virus I need to look at the amavis
> configuration I guess.
> But why is 27 getting through?

I got the following announcement from Suse. After installing the upgrade
test 27 is now blocked.

   Release: 20041109
   Obsoletes: none


   Everyone using amavis for virus scanning should update.

  Problem description

   Mail virus scanners like amavis use perl-Archive-Zip to scan
   ZIP archives. A bug in the handling of files with
   manipulated size entires has been fixed that could leave
   malicious code in such files undetected.


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