Siju George wrote:

> I use Squid on an OpenBSD 3.6 proxy. Could you please help me to the
> links/resources on the net that would explaining installation of scavr
> on my proxy ?

Here is a link for the project page. The instructions are pretty good there. (although there are some spelling and case errors)

In my squid.conf I have the redirector children set to 45 and that seems to give me good results.

This is the list of extensions I have in the conf file.

pattern = .scr .bat .pif .vbs .wsh .chm .hlp .reg .shs .vbe .wsf .xla .ini .diz .cpp .cpl .vxd .sys .lnk .hta .exe .zip .rar .ar .com .bzip .gz .eml .dll .ade .adp .adt .app .bas .bin .btm .cla .class .cmd .crt .csc .doc .dot .drv .email .fon .inf .ins .isp .jse .lib .mdb .mde .msi .msp .mst .ocx .pcd .pgm .ppt .rtf .sct .shb .vb .wsc .wss .dat .cab .svr

Good luck and feel free to email me for help.

Russel Oliver

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