R Jansen wanted us to know:

>I'm beginning to think that's the problem. It's a PIII 450 MHz machine with 
>384MB RAM. Like said the avarage rate was about 50 infected mails a day. 

Really easy fix here for resource shortages, add another 256 or 512 Megs
of RAM.

>But now the bsmtp server of the ISP delivers about 50 infected mails in one 
>After handling about 20 mails the clamav-milter process isn't closed 
>properly before the next mail is handled wich seem to cause al the other 
>mails to go thru unscanned. The process that isn't closed then starts 
>consuming CPU and doesn't close at all.

How many MaxThreads do you have set in clamd.conf?  If it's 20, pick it
up.  If it's a really large number, lower it.  See if either has any
impact on things.
Regards...              Todd
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.       --Benjamin Franklin
Linux kernel   2 users,  load average: 0.30, 0.40, 0.25

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