<Top posting because the guy below me did>

What good is it?  It detects viruses!  I'd say thats pretty good.


> Ok, let me get this right. Clamav cannot clean? What good is it?
> Noel Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
>> At 03:03 PM 1/6/2005, Thalador Du'Fosnee wrote:
>>>It is not deleting the message, only the attachment with the infected
>>>file. I got 24 messages yesterday that were cleaned. Is there a way to
>>>either add the line or tell it to delete the message instead of clean
>>>and deliver?
>> In that case, whatever program you are using (MIMEDefang??,
>> MailScanner?? anomy?? Some other AV scanner?? whatever...)  is
>> removing the infected attachment.  Clam cannot "disinfect" mail or any
>> file, it only reports infection.
>> Any configuration changes, such as telling it to add "Cleaned" headers
>> or better just drop the message, will need to be made in that program.
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