On Mar 02, 2005, at 11:04, Allori Lorenzo wrote:

Dear Group,

I think i will make a script to automate the process myself..
I really think the clamav developers have already done a great work providing us clamav sources,
so why bothering them for creating a new system for upgrading the clamav itself i think we can still
compile from sources: i will see how to manage and I'll post in the list how solved this problem, if
someone needs it.....


Lorenzo, I already had previously started working on a software update routine for a different project that I believe could be a solution to this.

It requires a couple of things, a host with an xml file that holds the latest version number to test against, a repository of binary builds to obtain the updates from and finally someone who can generate all of the platform binaries and place them on the server within a reasonable time frame.

Here is what I can provide.

A server with space specifically donated for this task, the ability to mirror this site to reduce load, the xml file that auto updates itself based on the ClamAV websites main page that uses a robot (or other acceptable method) to extracts the version number for the latest stable release.

All I would need would be an A record from the DNS providers of ClamAV pointing to the IP in question (something like "update.clamav.net A xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx "), additional mirror sites and the binaries for other platforms that are non Macintosh and the code required to install these binaries based on their respective platforms (this could be as simple as un-tarring and moving to the destination location or as complicated as building and installing the source).

This would require a commitment from specific people to generate/provide the binaries in a timely manner and a lot of behind the scenes work would have to take place to make it all happen.

Specifics like the frequency of version checks, a realm established for communication between the update server and ClamAV to prevent any unnecessary or unwanted access at the ClamAV websites update communication protocols and, other issues would have to be addressed.

This would require participation and input from the ClamAV team to make it all work together and is something very doable but, I'm not the one to give authorization on this side project and I believe a proper proposal would have to be generated and submitted to Tomasz for authorization unless you strictly wanted to undergo the entire update project on your own.

While I trust the ClamAV team is dedicated to providing the very best in their product, because of this dedication, I am more than willing to bend over backwards to do anything I can to assist in any way I can as my way to show my appreciation for the invaluable product they generate and everything else is icing on the cake.

A public discussion on this subjects intricate details would not be appropriate, I see no reason in not discussing the public aspects openly but I think that the first order of business would be to assign/elect/appoint someone to spearhead this side project and then design an acceptable proposal for submission to the ClamAV team.

In a public discussion, it would be reduced to an interest in the project or not, programming details while public input will be required, it's not a general topic for everyone to participate in so a kinda feature survey would be the most likely route to follow as a starting point.

These are just my thoughts and opinions and do not represent the thoughts and opinions of the ClamAV team and are currently not endorsed, expressed or approved by the ClamAV team to the best of my knowledge.

-- Dale


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