I just want a separated log file for clamav messages. If I can do that using
the syslog, that is ok to me. Could you send how to configure that? I would
appreciate a lot!

On the other hand, it seems clamd has a little problem with its own log
function (but I am no sure about that!). May be this could be put in the
project backlog, if this is the case.

Thank you again!
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Maul
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 2:39 PM
To: ClamAV users ML
Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] Clamav log file not logging viruses

Jose Luis Hime wrote:
> If I use the option "LogSyslog", then the viruses are logged into the file
> /var/log/maillog correctly. Thanks for your tip, it opened my eyes to
> The problem is that I want a specific logfile to be used, not through the
> Linux syslog function. So I commented out the "LogSyslog" option, forcing
> clamd to use its internal log function (logging at its clamd.log). This is
> not working.

You dont want to use syslog at all or you just want it in its own file? 
  I am using the linux syslog utility but have clamav going to its own 
file.  Perhaps that would work for you as well?



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