Trog wrote:
On Tue, 2005-05-03 at 08:23 -0400, Mike Lambert wrote:

The responsible admin will evaluate the pros and cons of _any_ software release and choose what is best for his/her environment. The difficultly with any project in development, including ClamAV, is that "current" and "stable" do not always coincide. Clam v0.80 has been the most stable version to this point, and I, preferring stability over functionality, am running 0.80. If running a stable clamav means letting a few viruses through, then so be it.

Which is why I said, in the bit you snipped, new releases should be
tested on a test system that reflects your personal environment - and,
by extension, any problems reported back to the developers.


The problem with running old versions is that they are not supported, so
when you do run into a problem like the one that started this thread,
you are on your own, and you'll be told to upgrade to the latest

This I undertsand.

Now that we have reports of spam crashing v0.80, it is time for me to test v0.84.

How can you say 0.80 is the most stable, when you haven't tested 0.84?

I meant the most stable before 0.84. Sorry for the confusion.


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